Friday 31 January 2020

Carmex // Cherry Moisturising Lip Balm Review

Carmex Cherry Moisturising Lip Balm Review

Carmex // Cherry Moisturising Lip Balm
RRP £2.69 for 10g

I received this in a Latest In Beauty box in August 2019.

First Impressions
Absolutely vile. This lip balm has one of the most hideous tastes; it's like the products you can put on your nails to stop you from biting them. This should be used as a torture device it's that disgusting. The sickly, chemical, overly sweet cherry smell is also a strong deterrent. It also has this weird chemical banana undertone to it as well.

I tried using this to completion, I really did but every time I went to take a drink, or eat something I would just get that vile chemical cherry/banana taste in my mouth and it honestly made me retch. I also hate the tube design. It has a little hole right at the top where the product come out and you just can't get the squeeze right; too little comes out followed by too much. It really is an awful design. It's a little more on the solid side at first but then quickly melts on the lips. So you end up with what you thought was an ok amount but then it melts and your swimming in rancid artificial cherry tasting bananas. Oh god, just sniffing this stuff from the tube is already making me feel sick.

Would I Buy It: Hell no. Save yourself.

Overall Impressions
What a major disappointment from Carmex. I'm obsessed with their vanilla lip balm and when I was running low on lip balms, I decided to add this to my box because it's Carmex and you can't go wrong with Carmex right?...Right?? Turns out Carmex can produce some absolute turds. Avoid this lip balm at all costs. It doesn't even provide the trademark Carmex tingle sensation.

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