Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Isle of Paradise // Medium Self-Tanning Water Review

Isle of Paradise Medium Self-Tanning Water Review

Isle of Paradise Medium Self-Tanning Water Review

Isle of Paradise // Medium Self-Tanning Water
RRP £18.95 for 288ml

This is a full size bottle that I chose as part of the Latest In Beauty X Sunday Times Box in April 2019.

First Impressions
It looks fancy.

I used this once in August 2019. I remember doing it at night with a tanning mit and it just got everywhere; maybe I'm just awful at applying spray tan.

Would I Buy It: No.

Overall Impressions
I know this is empty skincare but seeing as how I used this once and never wanted to use it again i thought I would write about it. It's been left in my "tan" drawer for months now and when I was going through my stash for a clear out and I noticed that the product had gone a nice cloudy yellow/green. Not very nice. It kind of looked like a fish tank that had never been cleaned. So I took a couple of photos then promptly threw it away.

I decided to use this last year though when we were having a ridiculous run of beautiful sunny days. I used this after showering (although I hadn't exfoliated) and I thought I applied it evenly. When I woke up the next day my knees and hands were horrific. I applied this with a mit and washed them afterwards but never underestimated the power of fake tan; you will always get tan hands. I'd say it was patchy and not a great tan colour for my olive skin. I thought because it was green and for a medium tan that it would work better than most but it went way too golden and warm for my liking. I never used it again after that.

At this point, I think I might just avoid tanning products until I'm rich enough to afford whoever it is that does Ariana Grande's tan.

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